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Unreleased Items


Toilets have similar style to Wooden Fridge, they are nonmember items and I think they are available in only one color.

Legendary Wings

These strange wings were only seen in Best Dressed for a short time when a game first
came out. " Legendary Wings " is not the real name, it's just name that jammers gave them.
It's unknown what their actual name is. Legendary Wings were possibly early design for Golden
Wings. Unfortunately they were removed from Best Dressed and never seen
anywhere else. 


When AJHQ added the latest New Jammer tutorial with Peck, there was a lion that had these strange 
handcuffs. The handcuffs later got replaced with Musketeer Boots. Their real name is still

Handcuffs can currently be seen being worn by monkeys in The Great Escape adventure.

Phantom Portal

In a post on AJHQ's blog, there is a phantom portal that's shown in a den. It's most likely
a functioning portal that takes the player to the Phantom Vortex. It might be used
by AJHQ members to visit the Phantom Vortex even when AJ isn't celebrating
the Nights Of Phantoms. It could also be an early version of the den portals that are for sale
in the Diamond Shop and the Chamber Of Knowledge.

Shell Fin Armor

These have been in the ocean version of Best Dressed since it was released.
Since the other pieces of the Shell Armor set are member items, these probably are too.



This item works like a real clock, showing the current time and date. My guess is this
clock is used for time - based den items such as Large Planter and Epic Seasonal Tree. This
item will most likely never be released.

Epic Den Plaque

An unreleased plaque that was likely going to be given to people that had their dens
features on Daily Explorer

Reward Plaque ( this item isn't deleted! )

The other unused plaque in the game. It looks exactly like Howl Plaque but it has a
different name. It's unknown what this plaque is for. It can be recycled for 30 gems.

Weight Bench

This item came at the same time as a Toilet. The texture of it is similar
to Toilet and Wooden Fridge.

Test Ice Cream Cake Freezer

This item is a test version of the Ice Cream Cake Freezer.
No one knows why this even exists, its a mystery... This item
will most likely never be released officially, unless this item isn't even a test
and is instead a planned April Fools day item which I highly doubt.

Stone Wall

Stone Walls are rather den items that could be recycled for 1 gem. 
This item was item that AJHQ currently worked on. 

Pearly Tiara

This tiara is 2nd rarest item in the game and only few people own this item. 
This item isn't deleted. And there are 2 similar tiaras that are store - bought.

Mace Tail

Mace Tails ( sometimes called Mummy Tails or Spiked Ornaments ) are 
mysterious tail items which have spiked ball at the tip. There are many rumors
how these items were discovered. One of the stories I've heard is that they
were stolen from AJ moderator or guide's account. I've also heard that some people
called AJHQ and were given a Mace Tail. I think they were just hacked into a game
like all of the other items on this page, but I don't know.

Animal Coins

You probably know about Horse Coins ( which are not unreleased, they are deleted items)
but there is actually a coin for each animal in the game in 10 colors! Interestingly, each
color of the coin is also color that members can change their nametag to, and the animal
pictures are the same as the ones on the badge that members can use on their nametags.

Princess Bed

Its a nonmember den item and it will might get released but it depends if jammers 
continue mating. 

Rarecar Bed

Another nonmember item that popped up in the game at the same time as Princess Bed.

Healing Staff

Healing Staffs come in 3 different variants: Epic Healing Staff, Alpha Healing Staff and
Basic Healing Staff. I believe they will have a special function in Adventures if you wear them,
much like how certain leg items let you break phantom gates faster. Based on 
their names, I'm guessing they will regenerate your hearts ( or another player's )

Black And Grey Stone Sword 

When a hacker brought stone swords into a game, they were originally grey with black 
strap. Stone Swords have been officially released in the Diamond Shop, but not 
the original color. The original hacked ones were removed by AJHQ.

Dark Red And Dark Green Jamaaliday Bows

These 2 Jamaaliday Bows are seen on the recycling video that AJHQ made.

Raspberry Reindeer Mask

This item is also seen in AJHQ's recycling video. This is unreleased color mask.

? Flag

This flag was seen in Jamaa Journal. It was meant as a placeholder for the winning flag in
a contest, so it will probably never be released.

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