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Special Items

Beta Creature Mask

Type: Replaced
Estimated Amount: 4

In 2010 when Creature Masks first came out, one of the colors you could change it to was this
black one with light blue eyes and red lips. Ever since then it has not been available. Not a lot of
Jammers had membership back then, and most of people that did have membership didn't buy these masks. It came back in 2011 and got replaced by a different color.

Beta Arctic Hood

Type: Replaced
Estimated Amount: 50

This variant of Arctic Hood was only sold in Beta. They look similar to two of the Arctic Hood that get sold/are in adventures so be careful when trading for one of these. There used to be only about 3 known to exist, but many people started hacking into beta accounts and finding hoods. Now there are around 50 knows to exist.

Beta Eyeball Hat

Type: Replaced
Estimated Amount: 5

The beta Eyeball Hat has a similar story to the mask above. After October 2010, this color of Eyeball Hat was ironically the least rarest one. Ever since Eyeball Hats came back in 2011, these Eyeball Hats became one of the rarest items in the game. I've heard rumors that these were actually given out by AJ Guides, but I can't say if that's true or not.

Milky Tiara

Type: Replaced
Estimated Amount: 6

Milky Tiaras were normal colors of tiaras in beta. After beta,  it was replaced with similar colors. One of the similar ones that's for sale commonly confused  for a Milky Tiara, keep in mind if you are trading for one, that might be fake!

Beta Green Tiara

Type: Replaced
Estimated Amount: At least 100

Green Tiaras that have blue/purple gem are also rare. It was first for sale in beta and got replaced with a similar color sometimes after summer 2011. These are not nearly as rare as the Milky Tiara.

Beta Elf Helmet

Type: Replaced
Estimated Amount: 5

Elf Helmets that are green and have blue gem are one of the rarest items in the game.It's commonly mistaken as a beta item, but it was not sold in beta. It first came out right after and got replaced with a similar color around the same time that the green tiara left the stores.

The Elf Tail Armor ( the 5 that didn't return )

Type: Not returning
Estimated Amount: More than 100 ( each )

Elf Tail Armor was originally released in 2012 as a Monthly Member Gift in 11 different colors. When Elf Tail Armor came back in the Diamond Shop, only 8 of those colors came back, making these 5 still rare.
There's still a lot of each in the game, but people consider the white one to be rarest for some reason. These 5 are also commonly called beta items, even though they came out in 2012 which was 2 years after beta. The green, tan, pink and purple ones have similar colors that are still for sale in the Diamond Shop.


Beta Blanket

Type: Replaced
Estimated Amount: More than 100

When Old Blankets came out first, they were sold in light green. It got replaced with a darker green version on an unknown date sometimes before July 2011. These became much more rare nowadays as opposed to how rare they were in 2011/2012.

Glitched Rings

Type: Glitched
Estimated Amount: At least 100 ( each )

These colors of Turquoise Rings were sold on the first day or so that the item was released.
These were only 2 colors available at the time. After an update these 2 colors were
replaced with 8 new colors. The first one looks very similar to the one in store so as
always, be careful when trading for them because you might be trading for one that's for

The one bellow is rarer than the one up.

Magenta Furry Hat

Type: Glitched
Estimated Amount: 15

When Furry Hats first came out, there was one for sale that was missing in texture and turned
magenta. It got replaced with a white Furry. It's now now one of the rarest items in the game.

Glitched Yeti Face

Type: Glitched
Estimated Amount: at least 100

The AJ update on January 8th 2015 brought in 3 new glitched items. The items that got glitched
version were Yeti Face, Ornament Earrings and Jamaaliday Branch Antlers. When these 3 items first came out, each was only available in one color. After January 8th, the original colors of these items got removed and replaced and each item got 8 new colors each because they were glitched. They are now rare, but glitched Yeti Face is the least rarest of the 3.

Glitched Ornament Earrings 

Type: Glitched
Estimated Amount: 80

Glitched Ornament Earrings became rare at the same time the Yeti Face did, on January 8th 2015. The Yeti Faces are the most well known, but the glitched earrings aren't as known and not a lot of people know they are rare. There are a lot less of them in the game than there are glitched Yeti Faces.

Glitched Jamaaliday Branch Antlers 

Type: Glitched
Estimated Amount: 20

Jamaaliday Branch Antlers are the 3rd item to get a glitched form on January 8th 2015, as well as the rarest one of January 8th's glitched items. It's also the least known glitched item, and one of the rarest items in the game. Not many people bought the glitched version because they didn't know it would become rare and because of the price ( 2000 gems ) They are even harder to find because the non glitched version looks almost identical to the glitched one.

Glossy Cupid Wings

Type: Replaced
Estimated Amount: Brown: 14 and other at least 100

The cupid wings that were sold in February 2014 had white gloss on them. The ones that came out in The Forgotten Desert/February 2015 didn't have the white gloss. The one with the white gloss are now pretty rare. The usual warning applies here - there are similar ones that aren't rare/are in The Forgotten Desert, so be carefull while trading for them. I am not sure if the white wings came out in 2015 or 2014 but I think they came out in 2015 SO WHITE IS NOT GLITCHED BECAUSE IT'S WHITE AND YOU CAN'T SAY IF THEY HAVE THE WHITE GLOSS!!! The brown one is the rarest by the way.

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